Woohoo! First blog post EVER! I've been talking about starting a blog FOREVER and I'm so glad to have taken this leap!For most people, the start of the New Year symbolizes a time for a fresh start, second chances, embarking on new adventures and forming new dreams. Light of Day is my first step at making my New Years Resolutions a reality. 2017 flew by and I have high hopes for 2018. Starting a new major, changing my career goal, going out of my comfort zone and chasing dreams that I didn't even know I had! This year I want to push my self to do more than just following the norm and admiring the lives of people I look up to. This year I will really shoot for stars and give myself a shot at my wildest dreams. I will take risks, be creative and find ways to glorify the Lord in every situation I find myself in. I invite you to come along for the ride and join me in my adventures!!